
Baseline assessment learner response

Baseline assessment learner response Create a new blog post called 'Y13 baseline assessment learner response' and complete the following tasks: 1) Type up your feedback in  full  (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential). -WWW: Marwa,a solid effort overall.In particular a great response for question 2(media effects theories),your question 3(magazine and audiences)demonstrates strong knowledge of both CSP's. -EBI: Give examples for News-beat(question 1) and also consider more on the industries section for magazine(question 3). 2) Focusing on the BBC  News-beat  question, write three ways it helps to fulfil the BBC's mission statement that you  didn't  include in your original assessment answer. Use the mark scheme for ideas. -News-beat offers educational content through some of the news stories selected to be in the daily bulletins. Examples include a News-beat story on a project highlighting street harassment of women whi

Clay Shirky: End of audience blog tasks

  Clay Shirky: End of audience blog tasks Media Magazine reading Media Magazine 55 has an overview of technology journalist Bill Thompson’s conference presentation on ‘What has the internet ever done for me?’ It’s an excellent summary of the internet’s brief history and its impact on society. Go to  our Media Magazine archive , click on MM55 and scroll to page 13 to read the article ‘What has the internet ever done for me?’ Answer the following questions: 1) Looking over the article as a whole, what are some of the positive developments due to the internet highlighted by Bill Thompson? -"The network doesn’t care what the data means or how it is used, and that is its main strength and main weakness. It means the Net is open to innovation like email, the web, Spotify or Snapchat – but is also makes it next to impossible to stop spam, abuse or the trading of images of child abuse. These two sides of the network are always with us." 2) What are the negatives or dangers linked to

Influencers and celebrity culture:

1) Media Magazine reading Media Magazine 72 has a feature linking YouTube influencers to A Level media theories. Go to  our Media Magazine archive , click on MM72 and scroll to page 60 to read the article ‘The theory of everything - using YouTubers to understand media theory’. Answer the following questions: 1) How has YouTube "democratised media creativity"? -The YouTube platform has democratised media creativity, with ordinary users uploading their own content: they are ‘producers’ (producer-users) and ‘prosumers’ (producer-consumers). Content is published first and then filtered or judged later by audiences. 2) How does YouTube and social media culture act as a form of cultural imperialism or 'Americanisation'?  -We could argue that YouTube influencers encourage the spread of US cultural references, language and attitudes. This form of globalisation implies a dominance of Western cultural attitudes (cultural hegemony) – ‘the West vs the Rest’. 3) How do influencers

Magazines: final index

Magazines: final index 1) Magazines: Front cover practical task 2)  Magazines: GQ - Language and Representation 3)  Magazines: GQ - Audience & Industry 4) Magazines: Front cover practical task LR 5)  Magazines: The Gentlewoman - Language and Representations 6)   Magazines: The Gentlewoman - Audience and Industries 7)  Magazines: Industries - the appeal of print and independent magazines

Industries: the appeal of print

1) Writer's Edit journal article Read this excellent  Writer's Edit academic journal article on the independent magazine industry  and answer the following questions: 1) What is the definition of an independent print magazine? -I ndependent print magazine is published without the financial support of big companies and corporations. 2) What does Hamilton (2013) suggest about independent magazines in the digital age? -He  suggests that small printed magazines are quietly thriving even as the global newspaper and book industries falter. 3) Why does the article suggest that independent magazines might be succeeding while global magazine publishers such as Bauer are struggling? -Magazines produced by large companies like Bauer Media and News Limited in Australia are struggling to keep readers from moving online. In contrast, those behind independent magazines use digital developments to their advantage, and have a strong online presence. 4) What does the article suggest about how in

Y12 exam - Media Paper 1: Learner response

Y12 exam - Media Paper 1: Learner response 1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to). -WWW: Marwa,well done! An improvement and a pleasure to r3ead your assessment, lots to credit! Strong knowledge of contexts around Score CSP + Lil Nas! -EBI: Develop unseen media product analysis +subject specific terminology revision. 2) Read  the mark scheme for this exam carefully , paying particular attention to the 'indicative content' for each question. This is some of the best analysis you can do as it gives you an idea of what the exam board is expecting. For your LR blogpost, identify  ONE  point you could have added for the first three questions in Section A: Q1 (unseen text) additional point/theory:  -The verbal codes (anchorage text, slogan) offer connotations of wealth, success,  independence but also youth (“You’ve come this far on your own terms”...“Now is a good   time for your first Swiss Watch”) Q2 (unseen text and CSP) addit

The Gentlewoman: Audience and Industries

1) Media Magazine feature: Pleasures of The Gentlewoman Go to  our Media Magazine archive  and read the article on The Gentlewoman (MM84 - page 34). Answer the following questions: 1) What does the article suggest is different about the Gentlewoman compared to traditional women's magazines?  -The only text on the cover of The Gentlewomen is the title and that's it and this is different from traditionally magazines because usually there is a lot of text on a cover. 2) What representations are offered in the Gentlewoman?   -The G entlewoman is pleasingly wide ranging. the gentlewoman does a pretty good job of presenting a spectrum of womanhood. 3) List the key statistics in the article on the average reader of the magazine.  - 85% of Gentlewomen readers are women with its largest readership bracket of 61% ages 28 to 46. 48% of its readers are are in the A or B categories of  the NRS social grading system that the  UK press uses to gather demographics. 4) What is The Gentlewoman C