assessment 1: learner response
WWW: -of to a good start with this debut media assessment.
-strengths in question two and three with focus on social, cultural contexts and why genre is important.
EBI: -I need to develop my analysis skills for the unseen products. -revise narrative codes theories.
1-Identify at least one potential point that you missed out on for each question in the assessment.
-For question 1 I could have used a media term of disequilibrium instead of saying 'a problem will arise'.
-For question 2 I said make sure that I give examples from both of the products that are presented to me.
-For question 3 I need to revise narrative codes and theories, for example I used Buckingham theory of process of negotiation and change but I didn't clearly state that.
2-Identify at least one potential point for questions 1-3 from this student's paper that you could have mentioned in your assessment.
-For question 1 the person started of by giving a clear statement of what they are answering and they even gave an example of a theory.
-For question 2 the person started by telling the examiner the similarities between the two products and then wrote about the difference, this is something I could include in my answers from now on.
-For question 3 the person clearly stated the quotes by media theorist about genre and this is something I should pick up on for future uses.
3-Did you get any media terminology or theory wrong in the assessment? Make a note of it here for future revision, including theories/terminology that you could have used but didn't.
-I made a couple of mistakes such as writing Nik instead of Nike, when it came to writing on the products and analysing them I didn't use the correct terminology of say it was a written verbal code, I forgot to use key terms such as disequilibrium, I said the first product that was presented to me was sci-fi but that was completely wrong, I said soccer instead of saying it was football.
4-Identify your weakest question and write three bullet points that would improve on your original response. Use the mark scheme and exemplar paper to identify these points - particularly focusing on the anticipated content and the top level descriptors.
-Question 1 was the question I did the worst in and I could improve this by:
-using frequent appropriate use of specific terminology.
-using media language and narrative codes.
-doing good analysis of the product presented to me.
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