Industries: the appeal of print

1) Writer's Edit journal article

Read this excellent Writer's Edit academic journal article on the independent magazine industry and answer the following questions:

1) What is the definition of an independent print magazine?

-Independent print magazine is published without the financial support of big companies and corporations.

2) What does Hamilton (2013) suggest about independent magazines in the digital age?

-He suggests that small printed magazines are quietly thriving even as the global newspaper and book industries falter.

3) Why does the article suggest that independent magazines might be succeeding while global magazine publishers such as Bauer are struggling?

-Magazines produced by large companies like Bauer Media and News Limited in Australia are struggling to keep readers from moving online. In contrast, those behind independent magazines use digital developments to their advantage, and have a strong online presence.

4) What does the article suggest about how independent publishers use digital media to target their niche audiences?

-Small print runs of well-executed magazines marks a greater appreciation of graphic design, community and also a cultural push away from trend-focused mass-market publications that tell people what they should be doing and buying. 

5) Why is it significant that independent magazines are owned and created by the same people? How does this change the creative process and direction of the magazine?

-Nowadays, in depended magazines use the evolution of technology by using social media to sell. 

6) What does the article suggest regarding the benefits of a 'do-it-yourself' approach to creating independent magazines?

-“The term “do-it-yourself/do-it-with-others” emphasises semiotic self-determination in how citizens formulate and live out their identities and actions as citizens”.

7) The article discusses the audience appeal of print. Why might audiences love the printed form in the digital age?

-“Something real [that] will never go away. Because nothing beats the experience of print. There is beauty in the ritual of holding a physical magazine in front of you”.

8) What are the challenges in terms of funding and distributing an independent magazine?

-The high quality of the print and unique nature of independent magazines’ content and design justifies to buyers the high price relative to mainstream weekly and monthly magazines.

2) Irish Times feature on independent magazines

Now read this short feature in the Irish Times on the growth of independent magazines and answer the following questions:

1) Why are independent magazines so popular?

-Their subject matter is as diverse as their production techniques, from mental health to trans rights, from football to street wear. They are driven by a passion, both for their content, and the printed form, and thanks to technology, they are able to reach audiences around the world.

2) Why is the magazine publishing industry set up to favour the big global conglomerates?

-Many of the independents never get past the first issue. That’s partly due to the way the magazine publishing industry is set up to favour the big publishers – those with multiple titles, large sales teams and economies of scale. These are the titles that rely on advertising (rather than copy sales) for revenue.

3) What does the article suggest regarding finding an audience for an independent magazine?

-Make your subject too broad (a magazine about football) and you will get lost in the crowd. Make it too narrow (a magazine about redheads who support Bohemians) and your audience will be too small. Get it right (a magazine about League of Ireland fan culture) and you just might have a chance. And once you know who your audience is, many other elements will fall into place.

4) What are the challenges for magazine distributors?

-Shipping boxes of magazines is expensive, and with publishers taking all the risk (they pay for both shipping, and if the magazines don’t sell, the price of shipping them back), it’s key that publishers focus on getting as many direct sales online as possible. 

5) The article suggests that many independent magazines only make money by diversifying into other products. What examples do they give?


ost events, sell graphic prints, T-shirts and maybe set up a Patreon account where you can host football podcasts.

3) Interview with Ruth Jamieson

Finally, read 
this excellent interview with Ruth Jamieson, who has written a book on the renaissance of the independent magazine sector. Answer these three quick questions: 

1) What does Ruth Jamieson suggest about the 'death of print'?

-New media doesn’t necessarily replace old media, it just refocuses its role. The internet is very good at delivering cheap, disposable information quickly. We used to use print for that, but the internet can do it better. But print does remain very good at other things. It can provide a more luxurious experience.

2) What are the common themes for successful independent magazines?

-Today a magazine maker can access lots of relatively cheap or free tools and services to help them get a magazine out there. From the programmes that allow you to design it and publish it, to using social media to find contributors, stockists and, most importantly readers.

3) How many of these aspects can you find in The Gentlewoman? 

-I can find this in The Gentlewomen because off the typography.


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