Audience theory 2: blog tasks
Theory questions and your opinion 1) Social learning theory has been criticised for simplifying the causes of violence in society. Do you think the media is responsible for anti-social behaviour and violence? -I think the media only holds a share of their role in making audiences anti-social and violent, because audiences can chose to not consume media but they do it willingly. This just makes them to blame as much as the media. 2) How is social learning theory relevant in the digital age? Are young people now learning behaviour from social media and the internet? Give examples. -I think young kids are indeed learning from social media and the internet because if they see something in the media that is seen as a norm then they will also try to follow and do the same things as others. This is bad for the behaviour and mental well being of the young kids. 3) Research three examples of moral panic from the last 50 years. To what extent was the media responsible for ...